In today's context, rural areas of Ukraine face a number of problems related to lack of motivation for work, poverty, labor migration, unemployment, which leads to declining social infrastructure, deepening demographic crisis and degradation of the settlement network. These factors indicate the unsatisfactory state of rural development and give reasons for finding solutions. In our opinion, small businesses in tandem with rural tourism can dramatically change the situation in a positive way. The purpose of the article is to provide a scientific-theoretical substantiation and development of practical recommendations for the introduction of small businesses in the field of rural tourism as a direction to overcome the problem of labor migration, unemployment and rural decline. We have identified the problems of regulatory support, substantiated the conclusions and developed practical recommendations for the introduction of small business as an effective direction of rural tourism development based on a monographic method of research. The abstract-logical method is used to identify contemporary problems and prospects of small business development, formulate its essence, summarize the world experience. The structural and logical scheme of influence of economic, socio-cultural, ethno-cultural, personal and social determinants of rural tourism is developed. The research has substantiated the importance of small business in this field, highlighted the European experience of introducing this type of entrepreneurship in the field of rural tourism, revealed the problems of regulatory regulation of this field in Ukraine, and evaluated the factors and priority directions of development of rural tourism and small business in it. Prospects for further research in this area are development of models of development of small business in the field of rural tourism in Kherson region, which can be offered to the united territorial communities - when developing programs of development by regional authorities for dissemination of experience and development of rural tourism and finding new methods of overcoming the decline rural areas.
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