Keywords: globalism, Europeanization, marketing, marketing communications, Internet advertising, public relations, integrated marketing communications


The article offers an analysis of the problem of marketing communications in the conditions of global transformations and "Europeanization" of modern Ukraine. Philosophical and economic understanding of the essence, content, mechanism, features of the globalization process, which means the entry of all mankind into a single system of socio-cultural, economic, political, spiritual and other ties and relations gives an opportunity to consider it as one of the determinants of the effectiveness of marketing communications. Marketing communications are considered as one of the main elements of the marketing complex of the enterprise, as certain forms and ways of informing the target audience about the product of the enterprise, which functionally depends on subjective and objective conditions in which marketing activities are carried out and determined. A special place among them belongs to the process of Euro-Atlantic integration and cooperation with NATO. The authors emphasize the dependence of marketing communications in at least two dialectically interconnected processes: firstly, it is the introduction of the best European experience in the domestic practice of marketing communications practice, taking into account the Ukrainian reality, positive and negative consequences of global transformations, and secondly, unconditional performance of European norms, NATO standards by Ukrainian enterprises. In the new historical conditions the essence, the content of the form of marketing communications changes, their types and tools are improved. Particular attention in the conditions of global transformations is paid to the improvement of advertising and its type as Internet-advertising, which today has become one of the most popular and most effective. It is emphasized that the full and high-quality implementation of functions of marketing communications in modern conditions is impossible without the effective functioning of such types of marketing communications as public relations and integrated marketing communications (IMC). Its direct connection with marketing lies in the fact that the mechanisms of public relations is the engine of the process of promoting the product on the market, ensuring the success of the enterprise. And the idea of IMC is based on the thesis that all elements of the marketing complex can be considered as a means of communication and all of them should be used in a concerted manner in the communication process. The concept of IMC allows you to combine all forms of communication and helps to increase sales.


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How to Cite
Kopytova, I., & Fedorenko, V. (2020). MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBAL TRANSFORMATIONS AND "EUROPEANIZATION" OF MODERN UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (3), 68-75.