• Kateryna Boiarynova National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
  • Kateryna Bordiuh National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
Keywords: economic security, program-target approach, management, enterprise, program measures


The article is devoted to the generalization and substantiation of expediency of application of the program-target approach in management of economic safety of the enterprises, establishment of its target landmarks and the corresponding program measures of achievement of the purposes. It is determined the goals and appropriate measures of financial security: management maintaining and increasing the net profit of the enterprise (goal) – the implementation of policies to reduce receivables (program activities); reduction of credit dependence – attracting investors to the enterprise; increase the efficiency of investments – the distribution of investments between different investment objects. The purposes and program actions for technical and technological safety are revealed: ensuring the quality – replacement and use of new wear-resistant materials, introduction of automated tracking systems; achieving uninterrupted production process – the use of the complex "Smart Factory". It is determined the goals and appropriate measures of information security: limitation and leveling of information leakage – introduction of information protection systems; preservation of trade secrets, developments and know-how – concluding agreements on non-disclosure of secrets with staff, protection of intellectual property; protection against competitive intelligence – controlling the flow of information in the business environment. Target guidelines and program measures of personnel security are substantiated: increase of intellectual potential – introduction "corporate university". The goals and program measures of economic relations security are offered: increase of efficiency of interaction with partners – mutual support in case of force majeure, quality control of contractors; effective interaction with counterparties – observance of integrity in mutual relations; with suppliers – quality control of raw materials, components; establishment of mutually beneficial terms of delivery; observance of investors' integrity – observance by investors of volumes and terms of investment investments.


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How to Cite
Boiarynova, K., & Bordiuh, K. (2020). PROGRAM-TARGET APPROACH IN MANAGING ECONOMIC SECURITY OF ENTERPRISES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (3), 60-68.