Keywords: strategy, competitiveness, agricultural enterprise


The management of the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises is an extremely difficult task, since their economic activity is influenced by many factors that act under certain conditions with different intensity and are characterized by a multi-vector nature. The most important factors in the competitive advantages of agricultural enterprises in the region are resource potential; financial position; market conditions for agricultural products; innovation and investment, technical, technological, infrastructural, human and social potential. The organizational and economic mechanism for increasing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises should include the following measures of state support: scientific-technical and innovation-technological policy; investment, price, tax, financial and credit, foreign economic, antimonopoly, anti-crime, anti-corruption policy. The state should at the legislative level support the development of integration processes, promote the restoration of irrigated and drainage systems in the region; exercise control over the use of land and water resources. The components of state regulation of the development of the agricultural sphere of production should be: the adoption of state and regional programs to create favorable conditions for the development of agricultural production; cheaper loans; increasing the solvency of the population; creation of an effective system of quality control of raw materials and finished products in accordance with international standards; promoting the introduction of innovative technologies in the production and processing of agricultural raw materials. Endogenous factors of scientific and technical improvement of production processes are of great importance in achieving competitive advantages; training of highly qualified personnel for agricultural enterprises; improving the management system of production processes, finance, marketing; effective management of investment resources; equity and debt management; working capital management. The experience of developed countries shows that one of the ways to improve the competitive advantages of agricultural enterprises is cooperation, the creation of integration structures with a common production infrastructure.


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Agricultural Outlook 2007-2016.

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How to Cite
Borovik, L. (2020). STRATEGY OF COMPETITIVENESS MANAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (3), 50-59.