• Svitlana Rodchenko O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  • Karyna Hovorukha O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
Keywords: corruption, threat, economic security, shadow economy, corruption perception index


The article examines the essence of the concept of "corruption". The prevalence and scale of corruption in Ukraine have become threatening. Corruption not only undermines certain aspects of society, but also threatens the existence of the state of Ukraine. The purpose of writing this article is to study the essence of the phenomenon of "corruption" through the prism of its consequences for economic development and impact on the economic security of the state. It has been determined that corruption is a negative phenomenon that hinders the development of society, a factor that hinders economic development, as well as poses a threat to the economic security of the state and economic entities. Assessment of the dynamics of the Corruption Perceptions Index of Ukraine showed that after the Revolution of Dignity, Ukraine began a confident path to overcoming corruption. However, in 2019 its value dropped to the level of 2017. The prevalence and scale of corruption pose a real threat to the economic development of the state and its economic security. It is determined that the main threats to the economic security of the state, which are produced by corruption, are the following: increasing the scale of the shadow economy; merging crime with the legal economy through access to political power and the possibility of "laundering" dirty "money"; violation of competitive market conditions; delay in the emergence of effective private owners, inefficient use of budget funds; rising prices by including in the price the cost of "services" of corrupt officials, declining confidence in the state and its ability to regulate economic processes, promoting social inequality and increasing the income gap between different segments of the population. Measures aimed at reducing the level of corruption in Ukraine and its negative impact on the economy are proposed, namely: to create an effective and efficient system of anti-corruption justice, to actively involve business in establishing new transparent rules of government-business relations. It has been established that corruption alone will not be able to fight corruption. It is necessary to form a zero tolerance for corruption in society.


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How to Cite
Rodchenko, S., & Hovorukha, K. (2020). CORRUPTION AS A THREAT TO THE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (3), 36-42.