Keywords: public administration, public authorities, state management, GR-management


Public administration as a science was formed in the twentieth century. The article defines public administration as a multifaceted concept that covers public administration and local self-government. This is a whole scientific direction, which has such objects of research as: public management (public service), analytics of government programs and policies (strategic planning); interaction between the state, business and citizens (GR-management). With this in mind, public administration is a system that consists of state, local, non-profit structures created to meet public interests and resolve collective problems. The work formulates a modern concept of public administration, which is a complex open system of human relationships that are implemented by public authorities using methods, mechanisms, tools and other components based on the principles of openness, transparency of public administration and public administration. Therefore, before it is necessary to lay the foundations for an integrated, systematic approach to the creation of a unified concept of public administration, taking into account a number of modern heterogeneous areas of its development, which have so far represented individual scientific developments. From such positions, theoretical attempts to apply the categorical and instrumental apparatus of management should be extended to all aspects of the functioning of modern public administration and brought to a certain completed paradigm. First, an organic synthesis of autonomously existing branches of scientific knowledge of state and public administration is needed, it is the starting point of research and the reproduction of a real socioeconomic social trend. Secondly, the leading idea of the scientific approach to the study of social transformations is the transition from the formational to the civilizational concept of development and the revision of the foundations of the functioning of society. Thirdly, within the framework of today's post-industrial era and the formation of an international information space, the idea of a network paradigm for managing public processes at the state level is becoming more and more relevant, based on a network of real and virtual connections at the city, regional and state levels. The concept is based on the methodological basis in the historical aspect. Since the second half of the twentieth century, the concept of management and public administration has gradually changed, such a phenomenon as public management or public management comes into force (when public administration begins to introduce into the activities of public authorities on the basis of components of management of organizations and the economy of enterprises, such as: marketing, supply demand, efficiency, decentralization, optimization, etc.).


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How to Cite
Volska, O. (2020). PUBLIC MANAGEMENT AS A SYSTEMIC PHENOMENON IN MODERN SOCIETY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (3), 15-20.