• Natalia Stepanenko Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Херсонський державний аграрний університет»
Keywords: model, egg production, productivity forecast, exponential growth rate, intensity rate


The methods and models of poultry egg growth rate were studied to predict the productivity of egg-type crosses in order to increase the economic efficiency of egg production. A comparative assessment of the egg laying patterns of egg chickens was found to be suitable for their description and prediction of the modified models of T.K. Bridges and Mac-Milan. It was also established that the model T.K. Bridges most effectively describes the empirical data of egg production (errors do not exceed 5% of the threshold for an unmistakable judgment on the reliability of the differences obtained), it allows predicting the level of productivity for the entire test period based on data obtained for the initial period (3-4 months of egg production). So the progress of the poultry industry is due to the use of intensive factors, which primarily include the achievements of modern genetics, breeding, biotechnology. For a comparative assessment of the performance of chickens of different crosses, various methods were used to describe and predict breeding traits using mathematical models. Processing of the obtained data was carried out using methods of biological statistics. The level of profitability of poultry products in recent years is considered. A comparative assessment of various growth patterns of young egg and meat type was carried out. We have studied the feasibility of using new growth intensity parameters in the model T.K. Bridges to identify genotypic differences between crosses and prediction of live weight, based on indicators obtained in early ontogenesis. A comparative assessment of egg laying patterns of egg chickens was found to be suitable for their description and prediction of the modified models T.K. Bridges and Mac - Milan. An analysis of the data showed the effectiveness of evaluating and selecting chickens for components of complex polygenic traits, in particular, the norms of kinetic and exponential rates of increase in live weight and total egg production. These indicators are highly correlated with these productive traits. After studying the relationship between the parameters of the models and the level of the main economically useful traits of chickens, the expediency of using new criteria for growth intensity to select highly productive genotypes at an early age was found.


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How to Cite
Stepanenko, N. (2020). RESEARCH OF THE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS OF EGG PRODUCTION BY MATHEMATICAL METHODS AND MODELS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 303-312. Retrieved from