Keywords: capital of an agricultural enterprise, modeling, management, analysis, optimization, economic and mathematical model


A sound determination of the composition and size of capital is essential for an objective assessment of the level of production efficiency, as well as the identification of the real relationship between equity and loan capital so as not to cross the line beyond which the further attraction of credit resources may pose a threat to the normal functioning of the enterprise. In addition, an analysis of the capital structure will help establish the direction of optimization, the magnitude of its constituent elements with a view to more rational use. The main functions of managing the production and business activities of the enterprise are planning, organization, management, accounting, control and coordination. Among them, the central one is planning, which is determining and carried out in the management process, in which development prospects, current tasks, and efficient use of production resources are determined. To solve various economic and social problems, various production processes are carried out, complexes of research, design and other works are carried out, for the implementation of which not only various departments of one enterprise can be involved, but also various enterprises whose activities should be clearly planned and coordinated. Mathematical modeling, as a universal analysis tool, takes into account the features of production and financial-economic processes. It as a means of cognition, is between logical thinking and a real economic object or process and connects thinking and real reality. Economic and mathematical models allow the experiment to select the values of the parameters of influence on the process with the aim of directing its development in the right direction. The general approaches to the direction of development of the agricultural enterprise are characterized and the criteria of optimality in modern conditions of management are given. The necessity of improving methods for optimal choice of the direction of development of agricultural enterprises is shown, the end result of which will be the opportunity for management to choose the optimal specialization of the enterprise. The necessity of creating and developing an economic-mathematical model for calculating the optimal choice of specialization of an enterprise is established.


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How to Cite
Larchenko, O. (2020). THE USE OF ECONOMIC AND MATHEMATICAL MODELING IN THE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT OF AN AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 287-294. Retrieved from