• Vitalina Yarmolenko State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University»
Keywords: insurance, insurance characteristics, insurance classification, insurance risk, insurance protection


At the present stage of economic development of the country, insurance is one of the few sectors of the economy of Ukraine, which over the last years has a significant stable annual growth in the volume of services provided. Different methodological approaches to the nature of insurance are defined in the article. Insurance is a special type of economic activity, in the process of which an insurance fund is created, from which payments are made to insurers in the event of an insurance event stipulated by law or contract. In a market economy, insurance is, on the one hand, a means of protecting business and the well-being of people, and on the other, a kind of profitable business activity. The classification of types of insurance in Ukraine by historical, legal and economic characteristics has been clarified. The basis for the classification of insurance is a discrepancy: in the fields of activity of insurance companies, in approaches to ensuring the insurance protection of property interests of legal and natural persons, as well as in the definition of objects of insurance and in the forms of its carrying out. Classification of types of insurance is carried out on historical, legal and economic grounds. The content of insurance is a system of closed redistributive relations between its members, the object of which is the formation at the expense of financial contributions of a trust insurance fund to recover from it a possible extraordinary and other damage to the insured or to pay money to citizens in the event of their disability. the need for insurance protection of economic entities against various adverse effects of destructive phenomena in terms of various aspects. The need for insurance protection is driven by the desire to limit both material and non-material losses associated with certain risks. Today, insurance is one of the most important sectors of the economy for any country because, thanks to insurance, the pressure on the expenditure side of the budget is reduced to the detriment. Insurance also contributes to attracting investment funds into the economy, solving social problems in society.


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How to Cite
Yarmolenko, V. (2020). APPROACHES TO DETERMINATION OF MORTGAGE OF INSURANCE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 233-240. Retrieved from