Keywords: land resources, production, gross production, enterprises, households, economic efficiency, government support


The purpose of the article is to determine the directions of improving the efficiency of land resources use of agricultural formations. The relevance of the conducted research is due to the fact that the issue of economic efficiency of the use of resource land potential for business entities is the basis for ensuring the profitability of business and solving social issues. The article substantiates theoretical and practical aspects of increasing the economic efficiency of land use in Ukraine; the economic assessment of the use of land resource potential for different categories of farms is conducted. Based on the abstract-logical method of research, the scientific-theoretical material is systematized and conclusions are substantiated; analytical grouping of enterprises by size of agricultural land is conducted, categories of small and large agrarian units are determined; the calculation and constructive method is applied in determining the cost indicators of land use efficiency in enterprises and households; graphic method is used during the visualization of the obtained calculated results. The distribution of enterprises engaged in agricultural activities by size of agricultural land is investigated and their differentiation is determined. A comparative analysis of the efficiency of land resources use in agricultural enterprises and households is conducted, which indicates a higher level of efficiency of enterprises in the production of crop products. Negative trends in the production of livestock products, which affects the production volumes per 100 ha of agricultural land, are identified. On this basis, the factors of economic efficiency of land resources use and activity efficiency are systematized. The proposed measures at the level of the state, enterprises and households of the population as a whole will contribute the improving agriculture and the efficiency of economic activity, their complex impact will help to improve the efficiency of use of land resource potential. The practical significance of the obtained results is the ability to use the proposed measures in national and regional development programs, and at the level of economic entities – in streamlining production processes.


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How to Cite
Avercheva, N. (2020). DIRECTIONS OF IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF LAND RESOURCES USE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (1), 54-66. Retrieved from