Keywords: investment, investment risk, investment climate, investment attractiveness, investment activity, SWOT analysis


In contemporary conditions of world economy tourism has become one of the leading, the most profitable and the most dynamic branches that unites and stimulates the development of other branches whose functions are to satisfy diverse demand for various kinds of recreation and entertainment, including culture, art, sports, education, science, finances, folk crafts, transport, trade, communication, construction, agriculture, consumer goods’ production and so on. The sphere of services, and in particular its components such as the hotel complex, tourism and recreational businesses are able to make a significant contribution to the growth of gross domestic product at relatively low expenses and short payback terms. In addition, the accelerated development of this sphere will favor to the dynamic expansion of internal market as a basis for stable economic growth in the region. One of the determining factors of investment attractiveness of a country is the investment climate, which can be defined as a state of the investment environment, characterized and assessed by the rate of growth of gross domestic product, the existing level of taxes and privileges, interest rates, inflation, tariffs and prices, exchange rates, prices on corporate and government bonds, and also legal guaranteeing of investment activities. The investment climate of the region is characterized by a set of legal, economic and social conditions for conducting of investment activity in the region, that determine the level of riskiness of investment capital (including foreign ones), and, accordingly, their level of profitability. We can assume that the investment climate is an integrated reflection of two components – the investment attractiveness of the region and the investment activity in it. Considering tourism sphere as a factor of increasing of investment attractiveness of the regions of Ukraine, it was determined that the investment attractiveness of the regions is influenced by a number of factors: the level of social and economic development of the tourist region; investment activity of the region; the level of development of the tourism sphere of the region (provision of tourist resources, provision of tourist infrastructure, dynamics of tourists’ flows, etc.).


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How to Cite
Morozova, O. (2020). INVESTMENT – THE MAIN FACTOR OF DEVELOPMENT OF TOURIST BRANCH OF SOUTHERN REGION. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 168-176. Retrieved from