Keywords: wine tourism, regional cluster, wine-growing and winemaking enterprises, regional development


The article defines the conditions of development and increase of competitiveness of wine-growing and wine-making enterprises and the methodological bases of formation of regional wine tourism product under conditions of creation of wine-wine cluster of tourism of the region. The development of regional tourism is to develop tourist locations and strategies. When developing tourism strategies, local authorities, communities and businesses should develop mechanisms to coordinate their actions, taking into account trends and priorities for territorial development. You need to be aware of the commercial realities and attractiveness of your region: how to rationally stimulate the increase in spending on tourists by the use of your facility and the local community. Tourism leads to a significant increase in population and income in some communities, especially during peak seasons. Due to this, there may be various problems with the rational use of the territories. The basic economic indicators of production and processing of grapes, production of wine materials to determine the potential of enterprises for the development of regional tourism are analyzed. It is determined that the territorial cluster formation or association acts as a new tourist viticulture and winemaking territorial system. These forms of association help to develop businesses and regions, attract investment, allow them to compete successfully in the market and restore trust between government and business in each country. The structure of the wine-wine cluster of tourism in the region has been formed and the best practices for the implementation of tourism wine programs have been identified. In the last decade, wine tourism has become a key component of gastronomic tourism and the basis of diversification strategies for many tourist destinations. Wine tourism is closely linked to the identity of the territories and contains cultural, economic and historical value. In addition, it is a major driving force in diversification strategies, helping producers enrich their tourism offer and engage the diverse population.


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How to Cite
Kartashova, O. (2020). SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION OF TOURIST-WINE CLUSTERS IN UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 151-159. Retrieved from