• Olena Krukovska State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University”
Keywords: stocks, consumption, cost, house production, valuation, biological assets and agricultural products


The concept and component stocks according to national accounting standards. Proved reserves produced that are part of current assets that are used in the production process once their value completely transferred to the newly created product. Highlights aspects accuracy of accounting reserves, the accuracy of the resulting profits now and save most stocks. Grounded methodological principles of formation of information on stocks and the disclosure of its financial statements. Investigated the procedure of forming the original value of stocks depending on how they flow to the enterprise. Characterized a number of methods of assessment of inventory, which can be used to reflect their value in the accounting and financial reporting, and methods of evaluation of own production. Identified costs are included in the initial cost of inventories, including inventories of own production. The estimation of the definition of agricultural produce at fair value and features of its application in the enterprise. Costs that are included in the initial cost of inventories, including inventories of own production, are identified. To ensure the smooth operation of production at the warehouses of the enterprise must always have production reserves within the limits stipulated by the need of the enterprise. In the warehouses of the enterprises operations are carried out to preserve incoming production stocks, as well as to release them into production. Accounting should ensure the control of balances, inflows and costs of inventory in the warehouse, which is an important condition for maintaining the ownership of the enterprise. National Accounting Standards provide a number of inventory valuation methods that are recommended to use to reflect their value in accounting and financial reporting. However, the most widely used method is the valuation of purchased inventories at the cost of acquisition and / or manufacture (at the price at which they were originally purchased and / or manufactured). This method of valuation is the most accurate and justified because: in this case.


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How to Cite
Krukovska, O. (2020). FORMATION ORIGINAL COST STOCKS OWN PRODUCTION. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 132-139. Retrieved from