Keywords: caravanning, recreational tourism, auto-tourism, mobile tourism, tourist routes, infrastructure, tourism ecology


Under current conditions, the topic of caravanning and road trips is relevant both around the globe and in Ukraine, given the possibility of tourists’ self-service and affordability of this type of recreation. Caravanning is a type of recreational tourism which involves journeys using specially equipped vehicles such as caravans, campers or motorhomes. Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has had a considerable impact on the tourism industry, leading to substantial changes in the demand and creating additional restrictions for travelling. The purpose is to study caravanning as a specific type of recreational tourism and outline the prospects for its development in the post-war period. The study examines caravanning as a specific type of recreational tourism which involves journeys using specially equipped vehicles (caravans) for accommodation and transportation. It analyzes the main theoretical approaches to defining caravanning, its historic development, the current trends and prospects in the post-war reconstruction. The study also looks at socio-cultural, economic and environmental aspects related to caravanning and its role in the development of the domestic and international tourism. It describes characteristics of caravanning such as mobility, autonomy, flexibility, cost-efficiency and social aspects. Special attention is paid to practical aspects of organizing caravanning. Caravanning is a popular global type of tourism which combines mobility and comfort, ensuring autonomy of travelling. This type of tourism demonstrates high growth rates, especially in the countries with well-developed infrastructure for travelers using motorhomes. In the post-war Ukraine, caravanning has a potential to become one of the leading trends in the tourism industry, contributing to economic revival of the regions and the country’s integration into the international tourism community. The development of this segment can ensure considerable economic benefits and promote the growth of the domestic tourism.


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How to Cite
Boiko, V., & Boiko, L. (2024). TRANSFORMATION OF TOURISM PRACTICES: CARAVANNING AS A NEW TYPE OF RECREATIONAL TOURISM. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (21), 163-169.