• Sergey Poroskun Sumy National Agrarian University
Keywords: foreign experience, marketing concept, urban areas


The study and implementation of foreign experience will make it possible to substantiate the expediency and relevance of the process of development of urban areas and to adapt them to the conditions of Ukraine, taking into account its natural-geographical, cultural, historical and socio-economic features. The application of foreign experience in matters of territorial marketing is an important and necessary aspect in the development of the regions of our country: from the organization of the marketing concept of the development of cities to the solution of the economic efficiency of the state as a whole. At the city level, marketing plays a role not only in market analysis and assessment of demand for products produced in a specific spatial unit, but also in creating a successful investment climate. This is a key tool for increasing the level of competitiveness of territories, which provides increased access to innovative projects, technologies and other innovations. Foreign experience regarding the development of territories determines certain models of state regulation. This diversity suggests that each country chooses the approach that best suits its unique characteristics and population needs. Constant monitoring of the development process of urban territories should contribute to stable development and dynamic increase in the competitiveness of domestic enterprises. However, we should also not forget about the use of traditional methods of promoting the image of urban areas, such as: organization of exhibitions and conferences, fairs and development of advertising through media or information resources. This will help to establish contacts with professionals of industries that prevail in this territory, to expand the partner network. Foreign experience can become an important source of information for strengthening the industry of Ukraine's regions. The success of the strategies of the leading countries for the development of urban areas can be applied locally with certain adaptation: it is necessary to implement global standards of public service and to advertise effectively at the international level.


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How to Cite
Poroskun, S. (2024). FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF FORMING THE MARKETING CONCEPT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF URBAN AREAS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (21), 142-148.