Keywords: economic security, financial security, information security, banking sector, commercial banks, threats to economic security, banking risk


The relevance of this study is determined by the need to update and improve the existing system of economic security of domestic financial and credit organizations in connection with the instability of the foreign economic situation. The establishment of a modern system of national and international economies is inseparable and impossible without the functioning of financial and credit organizations. But the fact of the accumulation of a large amount of money makes this institution very vulnerable. The vulnerability of the banking system in the country directly affects the rate of economic growth, exacerbating certain problems in all spheres of life, therefore it is very important to ensure a stable, continuous state of economic security of such organizations. Under economic security, it is customary to understand such a state of the financial and credit organization, in which maximum efficiency is achieved in the use of financial, administrative, capital, information and other resources in order to prevent threats to the stable performance of the basic functions of such a structure. It is divided into two parts: financial and informational. For banks, the issues of creating a system of economic security, ensuring the protection of financial resources, information and bank property are becoming the most urgent. It is especially important for commercial banks to create safe and effective operating conditions, including maintaining liquidity, reducing risks, increasing profitability, ensuring loan repayment, and others. The main threats affecting the bank's financial security have been identified. Commercial banks are affected by both external and internal threats. The concept and elements of the bank's economic security are considered in the article. The theoretical aspects of the functioning of financial and information security of a financial and credit organization have been studied. The main factors of destabilization of the financial stability of commercial banks have been determined, as well as the principles, means and methods of countering threats of this nature have been identified. In the process of the research, an analysis of the effectiveness of the system of economic security of the domestic banking sector was carried out.


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How to Cite
Fimyar, S., & Simakov, S. (2024). THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF ENSURING THE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF BANKING INSTITUTIONS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (21), 127-132.