Keywords: innovative industrial technologies, economic factors, production organization, human capital intellectualization, innovative labour, labour efficiency, engineering, intellectual capital, utilization of intellectual capital, professional groups


The characteristics of managing intellectual capital in modern engineering companies engaged in digital ship design have been researched. The main organizational forms of management structures, including matrix, functional, divisional and hybrid ones, have been analyzed, and their impact on the effective utilization of intellectual capital has been considered. It has been established that the matrix structure is the most prevalent in engineering companies due to its flexibility and ability to integrate functional and project approaches, which allows for optimal resource management and enhances project execution efficiency. However, challenges related to potential conflicts of interest between functional and project managers have been identified, necessitating improvements in communication processes and the development of conflict resolution mechanisms. The importance of human capital as a fundamental component of intellectual capital has been highlighted, with an emphasis on the need to invest in the development of employees' knowledge, skills, and competencies through training programs, creativity stimulation, and participation in research projects. It has been determined that effective management of human capital facilitates the creation of innovative solutions that meet individual client needs and boosts the company's competitiveness in the market. The role of adaptive management structures and strategic alliances with other companies, research institutions, and partners in expanding companies' capabilities and improving the quality of their services has been analyzed. It has been found that cross-functional teams and communities of practice, which bring together experts from various fields, support effective knowledge sharing and the maximization of intellectual potential. Approaches to optimizing the management of intellectual capital have been proposed, including the development of team-based work forms, flexible project management methodologies, and the enhancement of organizational culture within companies. It has been underscored that the choice of organizational structure should be aligned with the company's strategic priorities, market demands and innovation capacity, ensuring sustainable development and increased competitiveness of engineering companies.


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How to Cite
Levit, O., & Rogov, V. (2024). TYPOLOGY OF MANAGEMENT STRUCTURES AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL IN ENGINEERING COMPANIES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (21), 108-119. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-0366/2024.21.11