Keywords: risk, tort, customs, customs risk management system, customs payments, budget revenues, Customs Code of Ukraine


The study is devoted to the generalization of the peculiarities of the development of the use of the customs risk management system in the activities of the State Customs Service of Ukraine. Its purpose is to study the peculiarities of the formation and use of the risk management system in the customs service of Ukraine. The application of the customs risk management system during the implementation of customs formalities contributes to the increase in the effectiveness of customs control. Dialectical was chosen as the basic method of research, as a basis for learning phenomena that have an economic and legal basis and relate to approaches to the study of risk management in the customs sphere. Methods of formal logic were also applied – for systematization, generalization and analysis of information; abstract and logical – when substantiating the provisions of a theoretical nature and preparing conclusions. It was found that the concept of "risk" is reduced to 3 main axioms – the need to make a choice; probabilities of occurrence of adverse events; receiving a negative financial effect, it can be argued that this term is also correlated with the customs case and is an integral part of the customs regulation of foreign trade. In view of this, the application of the risk management system is a necessary requirement in the activities of the modern customs administration. The study of the issue of the evolution of the risk management system in the practical activities of the State Customs Service of Ukraine, taking into account the time frame and peculiarities of its functioning, allowed to identify and characterize three main stages: the stage of institutional formation (1999–2012) – the introduction and active development of customs risk management in DMSU; the transition stage (2013–2019), when the national customs actually lost its independence and functioned as part of other state executive bodies; the stage of further evolution (2019 to now), which includes the period of restoration of the capacity of customs authorities through the new creation of the State Customs Service of Ukraine. The presented research results can be used both in the following scientific work and by the customs authorities of Ukraine, in the course of their practical activities in the field of customs risk management.


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How to Cite
Fradynskyi, O. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF THE CUSTOMS RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (21), 94-101.