Keywords: urban agro-systems, typology, food security, environmental sustainability, economic development, urban area development, urban planning


The purpose of this article is to develop a national typology of urban agro-systems adapted to the specific needs and conditions of Ukraine. Urban agriculture plays a vital role in addressing food security, social integration, and environmental sustainability in urban environments. In the context of increasing urbanization and the socio-economic challenges posed by global and local events, the study of urban agro-systems has become increasingly relevant for Ukraine. The development of a comprehensive typology allows for a deeper understanding of the diverse forms of urban agriculture and their potential to address the needs of urban populations. The methodology of this study involved the classification and systematization of various forms of urban agro-systems through analysis of existing practices and the identification of key characteristics that are applicable to the Ukrainian context. A mixed-methods approach was used to define the specific features of urban agro-systems, including their scale, purpose, and impact on urban development. Special attention was paid to socio-economic factors, ecological sustainability, and the role of urban agriculture in strengthening local food systems. The data were analyzed to create a national typology that reflects the realities of urban and peri-urban agricultural practices in Ukraine. The results of the study include the development of a typology that distinguishes several key types of urban agro-systems relevant to Ukraine. This typology encompasses a wide range of agricultural practices, from small-scale home gardens and community gardens to larger-scale commercial urban farms and vertical farming initiatives. The findings highlight the flexibility of urban agro-systems in meeting various urban needs, such as enhancing food self-sufficiency, supporting social initiatives, and promoting environmental sustainability. The typology also emphasizes the importance of integrating educational and social farms into urban planning to foster community engagement and provide practical skills for different population groups. The practical value of this article lies in its potential to guide urban planners, policymakers, and local communities in developing sustainable urban food systems. By offering a detailed classification of urban agro-systems tailored to the Ukrainian context, the article provides a foundation for implementing urban agriculture strategies that can improve food security, enhance social cohesion, and contribute to the ecological health of cities. The proposed typology can be used as a framework for decision-making in urban agriculture development, providing a clear understanding of how different types of urban agro-systems can be effectively integrated into the urban environment.


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How to Cite
Barulina, I. (2024). MODERN URBAN AGRO-SYSTEMS: NATIONAL TYPOLOGY AND PROSPECTS FOR UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (21), 63-74.