Keywords: innovations, management, rural areas, multifunctional development, communications, Family Homestead, Family Homestead Settlements


Conflict management in administration, business and community Communications is the process of resolving disputes, disagreements, contradictions and negative emotions that may arise between different parties interested in cooperation, interaction, exchange of information, goods, services, etc. This process requires participants in the conflict to have effective communication skills, the ability to listen, understand, express their thoughts, feelings, needs, interests, compassion, tolerance, compromise, cooperation, preparation, mediation, arbitration, etc. The goal of conflict management is to achieve a mutually acceptable, fair, beneficial solution that ensures the preservation and improvement of relations between the parties, increasing their satisfaction, motivation, productivity, loyalty, trust, cooperation, etc . To do this, it is necessary to determine the causes, types, stages, consequences of the conflict, as well as choose the most appropriate style, method, strategy, tactics of conflict management, depending on the situation, characteristics of the parties, goals, resources, time, and so on. Conflict management as a process that helps people resolve conflicts in a constructive and effective way is an important skill of those who work in administration and communications, since conflicts are an integral part of working life. In administration, conflicts can occur between employees, managers, and clients. Effective conflict management helps maintain a positive work environment, increase productivity, and avoid legal problems. The principles of conflict management in administration are the ability to recognize conflict at an early stage, attentive listener, attentive to all parties to the conflict, transparency and honesty, focus on solving the problem rather than blaming, ability and willingness to compromise. The organization of ecological and family homestead settlements as an experimental platform and a unique opportunity to model the Society of the future offers innovative soft practices of conflict management through building a sustainable positive community of like-minded people in harmony with nature.


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How to Cite
Plotnikova, M., Prysiazhniuk, O., & Mosienko, O. (2024). ECOLOGICAL RURAL TOURISM IN CONFLICT MANAGEMENT IN BUSINESS AND COMMUNITIES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (20), 332-343.