Keywords: vegetable production, storage of vegetable products, post-harvest processing of vegetables, internal economic infrastructure, cold logistics, quality of production


The purpose of the article is to study the causes and trends in the storage of vegetable products, to evaluate the experience of modern high-tech agricultural enterprises and to develop ways and mechanisms for reducing crop losses in the vegetable industry. The article deals with the problems and experience of overcoming them in the field of fruit and vegetable processing, preparation of products for sale and storage of vegetables in order to ensure high quality of products, reduce production and logistical losses in the industry and increase its efficiency and competitiveness. The main emphasis is on the argumentation of the relevance of the study of the current state of the fruit and vegetable infrastructure for storage and primary processing of vegetables in Ukraine. It is emphasized that the sphere of storage, processing of vegetable products is characterized by complexity and significant differences due to the large variety of vegetables, which differ in terms and features of cultivation, territorial location of production, methods of use and storage. The main feature is that for each of the types of vegetables that need to be stored, it is necessary to create unique conditions of temperature, moisture, atmosphere, container, etc. When setting up vegetable storage facilities, the scale of production and storage, the logistics of laying vegetables and their subsequent transportation and use, the cost of the storage facility construction project and the cost of servicing or operating it, in conjunction with the ongoing monitoring of the changing vegetable market, must be taken into account. The peculiarities and positive experience of individual agricultural producers, combining vegetable production, storage and forming partnerships with logistics and sales of vegetable products both in the domestic market and in export, are considered. It is suggested to overcome various models of storage and storage on a cooperative or partner basis to overcome the problem of providing the population with vegetables and minimizing production and storage losses throughout the year. The results of the study are the basis for further development of the infrastructure of storage, processing and processing of vegetables and increase the competitiveness of vegetable products and the vegetable industry.


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How to Cite
Galat, L. (2020). CONSERVATION OF FRUIT PRODUCTS IN UKRAINE: PROBLEMS AND EXPERIENCE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 102-112. Retrieved from