Keywords: process, business process, process owner, process clients, process approach principles


With the development of information technologies, the deepening of the specialization of production operations, the expansion of organizational structures of companies and the complication of their interaction, there is a need to develop effective enterprise management systems. One of the problems facing the enterprise is the creation of a system of effective management of the organization from various spheres of activity. However, there is no universal way to create such management systems, but it is possible to develop general principles for creating organizational management systems. Such modern methods of forming effective management systems include the so-called process approach to management, which consists in identifying a network of processes in the organization and managing these processes, which contributes to the achievement of significant efficiency for the enterprise. The article covers relevant aspects of the emergence, development, implementation and application of the process approach in modern enterprise management. The authors explore the essence of the concept of "process approach", determine the prerequisites for its emergence and stages of development. The article analyzes the principles and tasks of the process approach, as well as the key elements that are the basis of enterprise management. The authors made a comparative description of the process and functional approaches. The essence of the concepts "process" and "business process" is analyzed, a typical classification of business processes of an enterprise is provided, and their role in the process system of a modern enterprise is determined. Key business processes and methods of evaluating their effectiveness are described. The stages of implementation and regulation of business processes, the advantages and disadvantages of the application of the process approach to enterprise management are determined, and the results that the implementation of the process approach to enterprise management can lead to are analyzed. The implementation of a process approach to the management of the organization provides great opportunities for improving the management structure, optimizes the management system, makes it transparent for management and able to respond flexibly to changes in the external environment, which will contribute to the successful existence of the organization, the development of competitive advantages in enterprises in the market economy.


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How to Cite
Andrushkevych, N., Chen, N., & Podibka, V. (2024). PECULIARITIES OF THE PROCESS APPROACH IN ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (20), 215-220.