Keywords: financial resources, finance, profit, profitability, financial security


The article outlines the need to improve the financial system of enterprises, forms of management of production factors and ensure an acceptable level of their financial security. Attention is focused on the processes of economic development, which are able to ensure the optimal level of financial potential of economic entities and are the most effective way of functioning. The need for the formation of a stable security system at the enterprise due to the optimization of production processes and quick response to changes in the economy, which is constantly under the influence of transformational factors, is substantiated. The forms of influence of production and financial risks on the speed and efficiency of functioning, the level of labor productivity, financial stability, forms of optimization of the financial and economic activity of the economic entity are highlighted. The main approaches to ensuring the financial security of enterprises are offered. It is noted that financial security directly depends on a well-chosen economic policy. At the same time, the effect of stabilization of economic activity can be achieved due to harmonization and effective cooperation with other business entities. The necessity of conducting an analysis of the level of financial security, the efficiency of the financial and economic processes of the economic entity with the use of stable evaluation systems, which are formed on the basis of actual or planned data, is substantiated. The level of reliability of information used for these purposes is an extremely important factor that can significantly influence future performance. It was determined that financial security is a complex information system, the state of which is affected by resource management processes, the stability of relationships with other economic entities, which depends on the stability of cash and material flows, internal economic and technological processes. It is noted that its optimal level can be achieved when all internal processes and external interests of the enterprise are balanced, which achieves its own set goals and contributes to the development of partner enterprises in the economic system. The ability to rationally use own resources determines the efficiency of the business entity, which must be able to form their optimal composition to ensure the stability of its own economic processes.


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How to Cite
Stefaniv, I. (2024). METHODS OF ENSURING THE OPTIMUM LEVEL OF FINANCIAL SECURITY OF BUSINESS ENTITIES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (20), 208-214.