Keywords: investment policy, investment climate, investment attractiveness, agrarian sector, natural resources, state, region, enterprise


Investment state agrarian policy forms an investment climate in the agricultural investment market, which manifests itself in the relations between investors and state regional and local authorities, as well as between those who receive investments and financial and credit institutions, investment funds, insurance companies, private and foreign investors. To the peculiarities of the investment state agrarian policy, we also refer to its influence on the development of the processes of cooperation and integration in the countryside, which are a powerful factor in attracting investments in agricultural production. Investigating this issue, we, first of all, draw attention to the fact that the producers of agricultural products are not only agricultural enterprises, but also farmer and personal peasant farms. One of the features of the state's investment policy in the agrarian sphere is that unlike other industries, it is almost impossible to copy scientific achievements of other countries in agriculture. The introduction of modern innovative technologies of intensive type provides for a differentiated approach to the cultivation of each of the crops in different soil and climatic zones, the use of high-yield regionalized varieties and hybrids, the timely and high-quality performance of all technological operations without exception, without causing environmental damage to the environment Given the direction of development of rural production in the world, it is necessary for the domestic commodity producer to focus on the introduction of modern technologies and the updating of the outdated technical base. Therefore, one of the priorities of the state agrarian policy is the development of branch science and innovation. State investment policy is one of the most important tools for determining the direction of agricultural development. By influencing the formation and use of resource investment potential, it seeks to meet the demands of society, to raise the level of investment attractiveness of the agricultural sector of the economy and its competitiveness. At the same time, we note that the state does not yet sufficiently influence the development of the agrarian sector, restraining the business activity of the population of rural areas and cooperation between agrarian and processing enterprises.


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Borovik, L. (2020). STATE INVESTMENT POLICY FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 95-101. Retrieved from