The article is concerned with studying the peculiarities of organisation of inventory works in the area of inventory accounting under martial law. The article analyses scientific interests of domestic researchers in the aspect of inventory. Attention is focused on the importance of inventory as an effective means of controlling the safety of material assets of an enterprise in the context of military operations. The martial law in which Ukraine is currently engaged has become a significant factor that should be taken into account when building an effective inventory process and reflecting its results in accounting. Despite the fact that today, quite often, the inventory of material assets at enterprises located near the areas of hostilities turns into a difficult task, the purpose, goals and general scheme of inventory work remain unchanged. The article analyses the changes in the national legislation on inventory introduced in 2022 in connection with the Russian aggression in Ukraine. In particular, in terms of the possibility of conducting an inventory in a remote format due to the absence of certain members of the inventory commission, replacement of materially responsible persons who have been mobilised, and the peculiarities of the inventory process in the case of relocation of business from the occupied territories and areas of hostilities. Particular attention is paid to the inventory of specific categories of inventory: low-value perishable items, workwear, inventory in transit, spoiled inventory, work in progress, etc. The article describes the procedure for inventorying property in the temporarily occupied territory or in the areas of hostilities and the possibility of postponing the inventory. The author proposes an algorithm for reflecting inventory results in the reporting of inventories at enterprises located in the occupied territory and in the combat zone. The author presents the procedure for writing off inventories destroyed or damaged during hostilities, taking into account changes in the requirements for the execution of inventory results introduced in connection with the martial law, and the reflection of such operations in the accounting and reporting of an enterprise.
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