Keywords: performance, balance, intensity diagnostics, evaluation of enterprise results, tourism industry


The article is devoted to the current problem of ensuring balanced performance of enterprises in the tourism industry. This problem lies in diagnosing the intensity of activity, namely the results obtained over a certain period. The article discusses the diagnosis of the intensity in enterprises activity for the tourism industry, which is carried out by: assessing, determining the level and establishing the optimal value for their performance. The study determines the approach to assessing the performance of any enterprise, not only the tourism industry. The results of the study serve as the basis for determining the direction of management actions to overcome inconsistencies in performance components. It should be noted that ensuring coordination for the components of the enterprise’s activities should be carried out according to the principle of balance, which is included in the definition for balanced performance. This principle assumes a comprehensive accounting of the enterprise’s consistency in resource potential according to the criterion of greatest economic benefit. The article proposes a performance assessment model, which is based on the research of leading scientists who have dealt with the relationship between efficiency and effectiveness and the study of productivity for production through a full-system study. The efficiency assessment was carried out using the main indicators of the enterprise's activity, which were reduced to its general indicators, in turn, they are indicators of the intensity in enterprise's activities for the tourism sector. These characteristics are presented in index form: index to final activity results, index of resource use, and express changes in the relative level in performance. The calculations made it possible to distribute tourism industry enterprises according to levels of performance, which is broken down by levels in gradation to the intensity of their activities. In the article, based on the calculations result, the optimal level for enterprises performance in the tourism industry is determined, which will serve as a guideline for coordinating the components in performance in order to ensure its balance.


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How to Cite
Trukhahova, K. (2024). DIAGNOSTICS OF THE INTENSITY OF ACTIVITIES IN ORDER TO ENSURE THE BALANCE OF THE PERFORMANCE OF TOURISM INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (20), 159-166. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-0366/2024.20.18