Keywords: agrarian sector, agriculture, agricultural products, crop production, livestock production


The purpose of the article is to conduct an analytical review of the key indicators of the agricultural sector of Ukraine. The agricultural sector plays a key role in the functioning of the country's economy, therefore it needs updating and constant monitoring of its indicators, which allows timely detection of structural shifts and determination of development vectors. During the research, economic-statistical, monographic and abstract-logical methods were used, which made it possible to characterize the dynamics of the main indicators, analyze the results and make a theoretical generalization. The article identifies and characterizes the main factors (the share in the formation of the country's GDP; in total exports and the share of the employed population) that confirm the importance of the agricultural sector for the economy of Ukraine. Analytical calculations are based on the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine for the period 2010-2022. The following key indicators reflecting the state and development of the agricultural sector were analyzed: the structure of crops of the main agricultural crops, yield, gross production, livestock and production of the main livestock products, export and import of agricultural goods, employment and technological development. The structure of agricultural products of Ukraine was studied. The leading industry and the vectors of its development during the studied period are determined. In addition, negative dynamics were found in the following indicators: the sown area of fodder crops and the number of farm animals. Changes in the production of the main agricultural crops and the main products of livestock breeding, the number of farm animals and the value of the export of agricultural products in 2022 are considered. The practical value of the article lies in the application of the results of the analysis to assess the development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine and will increase awareness of modern trends and opportunities in the agricultural sector among entrepreneurs and investors. Also, the practical use of conclusions regarding the formed vectors of the development of the agricultural sector during the period under study will allow for more effective planning and implementation of strategies for further growth and will contribute to the improvement of the state agrarian policy and support for farmers.


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How to Cite
Solop, A. (2024). THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR OF UKRAINE: MODERN CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (20), 147-158.