• Svitlana Bolila State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University”
  • Natalya Kyrychenko State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University”
  • Iryna Osadchuk State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University”
Keywords: agricultural production, regional level, innovative development, innovative activity in agricultural sector


Agriculture in Ukraine is a priority area. Innovation is a factor in the development of enterprises activity in any sector of the economy. The article is devoted to the development of ways to improve the system of innovative activity management agricultural enterprises at the regional level. The article covers theoretical and methodological aspects of managing the innovation activity at agricultural producers in Kherson region. It is stated that the development of the agrarian sector should be directed in an innovative way through the formation of a clearly defined strategy, an effective mechanism of process management and the creation an effective management system. The purpose was to develop ways to improve the management system of innovation activity at agricultural enterprises of Kherson region to improve their efficiency. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set and solved in the work: analysis the level of development innovative activity at agricultural enterprises; exploring the prerequisites for agricultural enterprises to use the region's innovation potential; development of proposals for the formation a system for managing innovative activity at agricultural enterprises and its organizational and economic mechanism; substantiation a creation of structures for promoting innovative development agricultural enterprises. The object of the research was the innovative activity at agricultural enterprises of Kherson region. The subject was theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of innovative activity at agricultural enterprises on the regional level. Research methods used were abstract-logical, monographic, analytical, comparison, generalization, questioning, observation, etc. The article identifies and summarizes a number of problems hindering innovative development. The prerequisites for the introduction of effective mechanisms for managing the innovative activity of agricultural producers at the regional level are considered. It was stated that it is necessary to significantly expand and strengthen the implementation sphere of innovative infrastructure, which should fulfill the connecting function between science and production. Ways which increasing the efficiency of utilization in agrarian scientific and technical potential through the creation of park-forming structures at the regional level are revealed. The process of forming an effective system management of innovative activity in agrarian sphere at the regional and local levels is considered and the range a tasks for each of them is determined.


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How to Cite
Bolila, S., Kyrychenko, N., & Osadchuk, I. (2020). INNOVATIVE VECTOR FOR REGIONAL AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 86-94. Retrieved from