The purpose of this study is to build an analytical system for managing the economic security of an enterprise, taking into account the opportunities and threats of the digital environment. To achieve this goal, theoretical generalisation, analysis and synthesis, logical generalisation, analogies, and comparative comparisons were used. The methods of scoring deviations from the limit values and weighted averages allowed us to build a generalised assessment of a complex object or process, namely, an indicator of an enterprise’s economic security. The method of retrospective analysis allowed us to study the dynamics and identify trends in the complex indicators of economic security of the studied enterprise. The relevance of the problem is due to the importance of the economic security of enterprises for national security, especially in the context of Russia's active military aggression against Ukraine. The digitalisation of business processes has also created new conditions for business. All of the above emphasises the importance and necessity of theoretical and practical research on the problem of managing the economic security of enterprises and building an effective system of analytical support, taking into account the opportunities and threats of the digital environment. In this study, the analytical support of enterprise economic security management is represented by a comprehensive system consisting of the following basic components: methodological support; information support; technical support; and personnel support. The presented study demonstrates some practical aspects of analytical support for the management of economic security of enterprise according to one of the enterprises in the bakery industry in the city of Kropyvnytskyi, which specialises in the production and sale of high-quality bakery products that meet the highest quality standards. To improve the methodological support of the analytical process of economic security management of the researched enterprise, a methodology for calculating the complex indicator of economic security management was proposed and tested, with further determination of the strategy for ensuring the status of economic security. The results of the calculation of the integrated indicator of economic security have led to the conclusion that during the entire period of research, the value of the integrated indicator of economic security of the enterprise corresponds to the zone of sufficient security level. Belonging to a zone with a sufficient level of security implies the development and implementation of a limited growth strategy. For the researched enterprise, it may include the following measures: adjusting the pricing policy taking into account the dynamics of average industry prices for products; however, such actions must be coordinated in accordance with the conditions and requirements of the current legislation, which provides for state regulation and setting the maximum level of trade margin during martial law (rye-wheat bread, loaf); development of new markets; and expansion of the enterprise's presence in the digital space, which is solved by improving the marketing strategy of enterprises. However, the implementation of digital marketing strategies and cyber measures requires the development of an appropriate cybersecurity program, the development of cyber hygiene rules, and staff training.
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