Keywords: cluster, agricultural enterprises, competitiveness, competition, innovations


A cluster is a structure that unites sectors of the agricultural industry involved in production, processing, storage, and marketing of products, as well as auxiliary service enterprises. The cluster approach promotes greater efficiency in economic activities and adaptation to market conditions by creating an integrated process of product manufacturing and delivery from producers to consumers. Clustering reduces production costs, increases the profitability of participants in integrated formations, boosts the volume and quality of goods, fosters the creation of unique competitive advantages, and raises the market share of sold products. Studying the theoretical aspects of creating competitive clusters requires a detailed analysis to substantiate the prospects for cluster development. Research on the theoretical and practical factors of cluster formation in the context of stimulating innovative activities has significantly advanced thanks to the work of domestic and foreign scientists. This article substantiates the principles of forming and functioning clusters as an innovative tool to enhance the competitiveness of agricultural sector enterprises. The main distinction of clusters from other organizational and legal forms of enterprise associations and their advantages are identified. The structure of an agricultural cluster is presented, its participants, the nature of their interactions, their goals, and tasks are defined, which contributes to achieving the most effective functioning of regional industries. The functions of the cluster arising from its goals and tasks are outlined. It is determined that the reasons for the emergence of agri-clusters include the growth of production scales and activity differentiation, as well as the development of the social division of labor. The components of enhancing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises participating in the cluster are summarized. The prerequisites for creating a regional grain cluster, its goals, functions, and participants are identified. An organizational model of the grain cluster structure is proposed, and its advantages are determined.


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