Keywords: research, innovation, budget, EU, funding, Horizon, Europe


The article analyzes the European Union (EU) budget for research and innovation. In particular, the author examines the Horizon Europe Framework Program, the main EU program for 2021-2027. It is noted that science and innovation are key to economic growth, competitiveness and sustainable development, and the importance of Ukraine's integration into the European Research Area is emphasized, especially in the context of the destructive impact of the Russian Federation's aggression. The research methodology includes quantitative and qualitative methods, data obtained from EU financial reports, Horizon Europe program documentation and scientific literature. The Horizon Europe program has a budget of 95.5 billion euros, distributed among four main areas: “Advanced Science”, “Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness”, “Innovative Europe”, and “Broadening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area”. The greatest emphasis is placed on Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness, which receives 56.03% of the budget. EU funding contributes to a significant increase in the number of scientific publications and patents, the creation of cooperation networks between European and international researchers, and the competitiveness of European businesses. At the same time, researchers face challenges, such as the complexity of the application and reporting processes, which can be a barrier for small organizations and SMEs. It is concluded that the EU budget for research and innovation plays a crucial role in advancing scientific knowledge, economic growth, and social welfare. The Horizon Europe program is ready to contribute to significant progress in these areas, and the participation of representatives of the Ukrainian scientific community will reduce the outflow of qualified personnel, improve the quality of research and the logistics of educational and scientific institutions.


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How to Cite
Hrytsyshen, D., & Poplavskyi, P. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE EU BUDGET FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (20), 79-85.