Keywords: social entrepreneurship, social problems, potential, living standards, inclusiveness


Social entrepreneurship is becoming an increasingly topical and important component of the modern society. This research paper studies the role of social entrepreneurship as an effective approach to solving social problems. The study analyzes the essence of social entrepreneurship, its main principles and characteristics. It examines the examples of successfully bringing social enterprises into effect in different countries of the world and their impact on solving certain social problems. Special attention is paid to the possibilities and prospects of the development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine and the ways to support this area at the state and local levels. The study aims to reveal the potential of social entrepreneurship as an instrument for changing the socioeconomic space and improving the living standards of the citizens. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of social entrepreneurship as an instrument for solving social problems and to identify the main obstacles preventing its development. The tasks of the study are as follows: to evaluate the present state of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine and in the world; to identify the main problems and challenges faced by social entrepreneurs; to examine the effective models of social entrepreneurship which contribute to solving social problems. The development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine demonstrates that this sector possesses substantial potential for solving social problems and promoting economic development. The support of the government, international organizations and civil society is crucial for further growth of social enterprises. The Ukrainian experience shows that social entrepreneurship can be an effective instrument for making positive changes in society, especially under conditions of economic and social challenges. Enhancing awareness of social entrepreneurship will contribute to involvement of new participants, resources and support, which in turn will allow more effectively solving social problems of society.


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How to Cite
Boiko, L. (2024). SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AS AN EFFECTIVE APPROACH TO SOLVING SOCIAL PROBLEMS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (20), 43-50.