The article focuses on the importance of the implementation of innovative technologies in tourism activities, which are a factor in strengthening the competitiveness of both individual economic agents and the industry as a whole in the world market. There are a significant number of problems in the country's tourism sector. However, there is potential for the development and implementation of new technologies, and updating existing tourism products to improve positions in the rankings of competitiveness in the field of tourism and travel. Both predicted and unpredictable factors have a significant impact on the implementation of innovations. In particular, pandemics, crises, changes in user preferences, and the development of scientific and technological progress. The article's purpose is to study and analyze global trends in the introduction of innovations in tourism and to determine the features of the innovative development of tourism in Ukraine. The article used comparison, generalization, analytical and statistical methods, etc. A review of the literature on this issue to identify modern trends and practices in the development and implementation of innovations in the tourism sector was conducted. Existing services, startups and software used in tourism were investigated. Attention is focused on the international experience of implementing innovative technologies, which indicates the need to intensify the innovation activities of domestic enterprises in the tourism sector. In particular, such trends in the introduction of innovations in the tourism industry as artificial intelligence technology, the use of augmented, virtual and mixed reality, the Internet of Things, contactless travel technologies, data and analytics, taking into account measures for the health safety of tourists due to the pandemic, the growth of demand for premium tours, ecotourism, expanding the use of blockchain technology. The results of this study determine the main directions of innovation in the tourism sector, which can be useful for determining the directions of development by domestic enterprises of the industry to improve tourist services and the formation of a competitive tourist product taking into account global trends.
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