Keywords: Family Homestead, Family Homestead Settlements, strategy rural tourism, ecology, sustainable development, entrepreneurship, management


Rural tourism, or ecotourism, is a type of tourism that consists of traveling to natural untouched and protected areas that protect the environment and improve the well – being of local residents. Ecotourism in its conscious perception follows certain principles: minimize the negative impact on the environment and communities, provide educational, interpretive and modern opportunities for tourists and hosts, maintain financial benefits and promote the economic development of local communities, respect local culture, traditions, rights and wishes, preserve biological and cultural diversity, plan, manage and monitor ecotourism activities to ensure its sustainability and quality, involve all stakeholders in the decision-making and cooperation process. Ecotourism as an important form of long-term sustainable development of Tourism and society contributes to environmental protection, healing activities, returning love to the family and human health. They are increasingly using ecotourism as a strategy to support sustainable development and conservation in and around protected areas. Ecotourism is a growing niche market in the larger tourism industry that can become an important tool for Sustainable Development. Annual sales are billions of dollars. This real industry seeks to use market trends to its advantage. At the same time, it often works quite differently from other segments of the tourism industry, since ecotourism determined by the results of its Sustainable Development: preserving natural areas, educating visitors about sustainable development and providing benefits to the local population. Eco-settlements have been the center of ecotourism since they began to spread around the world, both to develop their own local economy and to share valuable information about sustainable development. One way to experience and learn from the ecotourism experience is to choose ecotourism. The GEN-Europe project "Eco-settlement experience" is a response to the demand for "intellectual vacations" that bring visitors closer to nature, create an understanding of sustainable lifestyle.


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How to Cite
Plotnikova, M., Buluy, O., & Prysiazhniuk, O. (2024). INNOVATIVE MODEL FOR MANAGING SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVE SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESSES AND COMMUNITIES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (19), 312-320.