Keywords: risk management, insurance products, insurance models, traditional insurance, index insurance, agro-insurance


The purpose of the article is to evaluate the performance of the modern market of agricultural products insurance in Ukraine, to examine the main instruments of risk management and insurance models, to analyze insurance products and outline the prospects of the development of agricultural insurance. The general scientific methods of scientific cognition and the research of economic phenomena were used for scientific solution of the tasks set in the article. The theoretical and methodological foundation of the research is the works of domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners. The following research methods were used in the study: abstract logic and statistical (for theoretical summarizing and drawing conclusions), monographic (for examining the scientists’ views on the problems investigated in the article), comparison, tabular and graphic methods. The paper deals with establishing the instruments of risk management. It looks at the experience of using traditional and alternative insurance for the agricultural industry, insurance models and successful implementation of them by other countries. The study analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of insurance services and diversification of insurance products in the agrarian sector of economy. The paper substantiates the advantage of index insurance services over traditional ones. It distinguishes the insurance by weather indexes which are the most promising new program for the agrarian sector of Ukraine. Despite the positive dynamics, agroinsurance does not meet its main task - to manage the risks in the agricultural sector, so it requires improvement, the search for new innovative insurance products, the introduction of simple crop insurance programs for individual risks that will meet the capabilities of the agrarians budget and take into account, insurers. The implementation of the efficient system of risk insurance in the agrarian sector will promote all the stages of agricultural production, ensuring consistent implementation of the concept of sustainable development in our country.


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How to Cite
Boiko, V. (2020). UNIVERSITY MODERN TRENDS OF AGRO-INSURANCE AS AN INSTRUMENT OF RISK-MANAGEMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 69-77. Retrieved from