Keywords: digital marketing channels, marketing ecosystem, market of transport and logistics services, competitiveness, marketing environment


The article identifies challenges in the field of digital marketing that allow an ecosystem approach to be overcome. The modern transport and logistics market has been analyzed and the types of players on it have been identified. The purpose of the article is to determine the problems and opportunities of forming a digital marketing ecosystem of a transport and logistics company. The goal determined the solution of the following tasks: identifying the problem of creating a marketing ecosystem of a company operating in the conditions of the digital economy; analysis of trends in the development of the transport and logistics market; identification of factors affecting the choice of marketing strategies and tools for their implementation, determined by the internal and external environment of companies. A significant impact on the market of transport and logistics services is provided by factors of the external environment, which include an increase in the level of competition, the emergence of new market niches and players, the development of digital technologies, and a high level of differentiation of offers on the market. The existence of the listed factors led to a change in the approach of companies to products as an opportunity to satisfy needs. Now not only companies, but also individuals are demanding increased speed, flexibility and transparency of delivery at a lower cost. It is only natural that such expectations put pressure on existing business models. The potential for opportunities and benefits of new technologies for transport logistics is enormous, but many companies in the transport and logistics industry are in no hurry to realize it. Due to the growing intensity of world globalization, the landscape of the transport and logistics industry is capable of actively changing. It can change through technologies such as the “physical Internet” - based on the “Internet of Things” technology; IT standards, data analysis, cloud technologies, blockchain, robotics and automation, autonomous vehicles. Therefore, the issues of prompt changes in the transport business ecosystem to current trends in the transport and logistics industry remain especially relevant.


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How to Cite
Sakun, H., Stankevych, I., & Sakun, O. (2024). CURRENT DIRECTIONS OF THE USE OF DIGITAL MARKETING CHANNELS IN THE LOGISTICS ACTIVITIES OF THE ENTERPRISE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (19), 259-265.