Keywords: project, maritime transport, shipping companies, types of resources, hierarchical structure


The article discusses resource provision in projects, which is an important condition for any type of economic activity and is of particular importance in project management processes. Resource management is the top priority for public authorities at the highest level and is one of the most important subsystems of project management at the local level. One of the most important problems of today is the revival and further development of the production and technological base of industries and enterprises, strengthening the economic potential and defense capability of our country. Solving this problem requires justification, initiation and successful implementation of certain projects, which is hampered by the objective lack of available resources. Particular attention is paid to the issue of determining the types and differences in the properties of project material resources for the development of enterprises in the maritime industry, which allows a more accurate consideration of the expediency of the forms for their involvement. The study proposes a logical sequence for identifying the necessary types of required and available resources to reflect them in the hierarchical structure of resources, ensuring the systematic use of fixed information in the processes of planning, procurement, supply, use, monitoring and withdrawal of resources from the project. Resource identification is carrying out by estimating, formulating resource requirements and constructing a hierarchical resource structure that is reproduced in a bottom-up way based on expert opinions, analysis of alternatives, estimation data and project management software. The identification of the types and distinctive properties of material resources in the development projects of shipping companies makes it possible to more accurately take into account the resource features and justify the appropriate forms of involvement. Forms for displaying results of resource management processes, based on the presented system vision, are under development and will be considered by the authors in the following works.


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How to Cite
Lapkina, I., & Glavatskhih, V. (2024). IDENTIFICATION OF THE MAIN RESOURCES TYPES IN THE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS OF SHIPPING COMPANIES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (19), 232-240.