Scientific research focuses on a terms and definitons provided by Ukrainian and foreign reserachers, in particular, the definition of "efficiency" and the “method of evaluating the efficiency of enterprise management” were studied. The groups of methods for evaluating the management's efficiency are considered, focusing on the most relevant developments on the topic of research, in particular, the balanced matrix of efficiency measurement by E. Keegan and the balanced system of indicators by D. Norton and R. Kaplan, which can be used to solve a scientific problem on the topic of research. In the article, considerable attention is focused on the description of the peculiarities of the medical industry and the consequences of the implemented reforms from the point of view of evaluating the efficiency of the management of a medical institution. The result of the research is a developed and substantiated model for evaluating the efficiency of the management of a medical institution, with the separation of the structure of indicators according to four components of effectiveness: organizational, economic, social and medical. Each efficiency component is described in detail and the mechanism of applying the model in practical conditions is defined. The presented results of the study are the application of tools and economic modeling to the efficiency of the medical organization. When developing the model, the developed MET - method of evaluating management effectiveness was taken into account, the model was adapted to the specifics of the medical field, and an additional component of the model component focused on medical effectiveness was determined. The article substantiates and reflects the influence of the medical effectiveness of the medical institution and the economic, organizational and social effectiveness of the management. The developed directions for the analysis of the effectiveness of the management of the medical institution and the proposed indicators make it possible to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the management of the medical institution.
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