Keywords: sheep breeding, economic efficiency, products, sheep meet, wool, profitability


Defining directions for improving the efficiency of sheep production is a relevant topic of research, as the industry is currently problematic in increasing production volumes and improving efficiency, but it has significant potential and new opportunities for effective development. The purpose of the article is theoretical, methodical and practical substantiation of directions of effective development of the sheep industry. The statistical, monographic, economic-mathematical and graphic methods are used in the research process. The level of efficiency of the sheep breeding industry is investigated, the general tendency of reducing the number of livestock and the production volume of products, to a greater extent in enterprises, compared to households are revealed. A study of the regional distribution of sheep shows that they are concentrated in the southern and western regions of Ukraine. In recent years, sheep breeding development has been stimulated by the growing demand in the domestic market for organic, ecological sheep meat and dairy products, the increasing needs of wool processing companies, the European integration processes in the Ukrainian economy, which encourage producers to expand their range and improve products quality. Therefore, the use of the organizational and economic benefits of sheep breeding to ensure its effective development creates prospects for capacity building and production profitability. The analysis of organizational and economic features, the current state and methodological foundations of effective development of the sheep breeding industry shows that the industry has the potential and great importance in providing the market with the necessary products, but in the process of reforming has suffered considerable losses and has become an unattractive and inefficient type of business. The practical significance of the research is the ability of enterprises to use proposals for improving economic cost management through the introduction of management accounting, budgeting of operating activities to determine the actual size and composition of costs and control the use of all types of production resources. The prospects for further research are related to the sheep product market research and price trends.


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How to Cite
Avercheva, N. (2020). PROSPECTS OF EFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SHEEP BREEDING INDUSTRY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 57-68. Retrieved from