• Dmitriy Kretov Odesa National Economic University
Keywords: bank, corporate client, service, lending, digitalization, partnerships


The article reveals information about the corporate segment of banking activity, methods of obtaining and servicing legal and physical persons. The peculiarities of the interrelations between financial banks and business entities in the minds of the troubling large-scale military operations on the territory of the region are examined. It is noted that in 2023, in line with the latest developments, banks have increased surpluses of funds in the accounts of corporate clients; funds are mainly saved in accounts as best they can, so as to prevent permanent access to them. Bank lending to business in current minds has been monitored. The focus is on the fact that from the beginning of the large-scale invasion, all new loans were issued in support of government programs; the government program “Access” played a key role in supporting business lending during the most difficult period of the large-scale invasion. no loans 5-7-9%.” It is noted that in the hour of full-scale war, leasing has increasingly become an alternative to classic lending, and the leasing portfolio of banks was analyzed in the spring of 2023. It was confirmed that in order to increase their competitiveness in 2023, most banks have completely updated Internet banking for corporate clients, and also enhanced or developed mobile services from scratch NK for SMEs and private enterprises. In turn, the active implementation of innovative technologies in the sphere of banks' functioning led to the formation of a separate group of non-traditional banking services for the corporate sector. It is recommended for further consolidation of mutual relations of banks with corporate clients to introduce foreign banking system into the domestic banking system of partnership mutual relations, which are based on the transfer of management to the company to outsourcing to the bank. high costs, facilitating automated distribution and credit support for business and management of related risks within the framework established by the parties. This will ensure increased customer satisfaction, the ability to expand business with them, and also allow banks to protect their business from digital competitors.


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How to Cite
Kretov, D. (2024). PARTICULARITIES OF SERVICE FOR CORPORATE CLIENTS BY UKRAINE BANKS IN THE MINDS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (19), 186-194.