Today, the activity of agricultural enterprises takes place in a competitive environment, which significantly affects the indicators of the effectiveness of the functioning of an individual agricultural enterprise. Taking into account the constant changes in the external environment and the emergence of new factors affecting the activity of agricultural enterprises, the problem of finding ways to strengthen the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises remains relevant. Therefore, determining the development trends of domestic agricultural enterprises and the mechanism of competitive strategy acquires extremely important importance in modern conditions. In particular, the problems of low competitiveness of agricultural enterprises should be solved, the factors of its increase should be identified and involved, and the organizational mechanism of the competitive strategy should be developed. The purpose of the article is to define and deepen the essence of the competitiveness of agrarian enterprises, the formation of a system of factors of the formation of the competitiveness of an agrarian enterprise and the directions of its strengthening. The article presents a system of factors that form the competitiveness of an agrarian enterprise, in particular: technical-technological, territorial-geographical, financial-economic, social-psychological, regulatory-legal and environmental. To analyze the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises and the agricultural industry as a whole, the article uses the methodical approach of SWOT analysis. According to its results, the conclusion was formed that the elimination of weaknesses and threats of the industry, as well as the use of the strengths and opportunities of the industry can become reserves for strengthening competitiveness in the future, which will become the basis for ensuring the food security of the country. In order to strengthen the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises, the following are proposed: improvement of the mechanism of state support, implementation of effective entrepreneurial strategies for the development of agricultural enterprises, deepening of vertical and horizontal integration links, constant monitoring of internal and external markets of agricultural products to prevent threats to the country's food security, etc. The obtained conclusions will be of practical importance for agricultural enterprises when developing strategies to strengthen competitiveness.
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