Keywords: green technologies, investment, production, logistics, renewable energy sources, post-war recovery


The article examines the environmental vector of the Ukrainian economy as a necessary and important factor in the future post-war recovery and development. Thus, the goals of the European Green Deal were considered in the context of active efforts to integrate and join the European Union. In addition, the article identifies and discusses in detail such areas of green technology development in Ukraine as biomethane production, hydrogen production, green energy, construction of irrigation systems in drought-stricken regions, and green agricultural logistics. The relevance of the topic of the article is related to the fact that Ukraine is going through one of the largest wars after the Second World War, during which settlements and the environment are being massively destroyed, and large-scale internal and external migration of the population continues, which leads to negative economic consequences. However, in parallel with the resilience of the Ukrainian people in this war, a positive process is underway – Ukraine’s integration into the European Union, which will significantly affect future post-war development. However, with the signification damage to Ukraine’s environment and the European Green Deal, our country needs to build a certain development strategy based on the use of green technologies. The purpose of the study is to analyze the current situation around the development of «green» technologies in Ukraine in the context of joining the European Green Deal and to identify certain trends in certain categories of technologies and provide recommendations. To write this paper, general theoretical methods were used, in particular: problem definition, identification of contradictions, and the method of deduction. Applied theoretical methods were also used: analysis, comparison and contras, analogies, generalization and abstraction. Based on the empirical method of research, the authors summarizes the experience, systematized the theoretical material, substantiated the conclusions and proposed practical measures. Elements of the scientific novelty of the results obtained are the authors’ personal contributions to the study of the need to introduce green technologies in post-war recovery, which will accelerate innovative economic growth. The practical application of the results is to bring scientific developments to the level of practical recommendations, which will allow for more efficient implementation of future green technologies.


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How to Cite
Prystemskyi, O., & Yefremov, A. (2024). GREEN INVESTMENTS AND THEIR IMPORTANCE IN THE POST-WAR RECOVERY OF UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (19), 104-113.