The food security of a country is one of the most important aspects of its development, which ensures economic and national security. Currently, a system of indicators has been developed that serve as the main indicators that show the level of food security of each individual state. Thus, the article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of one of the important indicators of food security of a country - differentiation of food costs by social groups. The purpose of the article is to clarify the current state of food security in Ukraine by determining the indicator of differentiation of food costs between different social groups. The article is based on the analysis of statistical data and theoretical studies that made it possible to comprehensively cover the topic of the study. First, the theoretical foundations of food security indicator 5 and its calculation methodology are analysed. The significance of this indicator and what social phenomena and processes it can demonstrate are established. Through the analysis of statistical data, the dynamics of the ratio between the level of expenditures of different and opposite income groups, the level of food expenditures for different social groups by income level is determined. The article calculates the indicator of differentiation of food costs by social groups of the population of Ukraine for the period 2017-2021. The results are presented in the form of graphs and tables showing changes in the indicator and related data in recent years. Based on the surveys, the possible current state of the indicator (as of 2022-2024) was established in the absence of reliable statistical data for the wartime period. Under current conditions, there is a decrease in the level of income and a deepening of social and economic inequality between different social groups, which may lead to an increase in the indicator of differentiation of the cost of food by different social groups of the population of Ukraine. According to the study, the negative state of Ukraine's current food security has been identified, which may pose a threat to the further development of the State in the context of war.
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