Keywords: agriculture, structural transformation, structural policy, investment, innovation


The existing perspective possibilities of structural transformation of agriculture are investigated. Directions for improvement of structural policy are outlined. The necessity of using a synergistic approach to the development of an effective mechanism of structural transformations is proved. It was determined that the implementation of the state policy regarding stimulation of investment activity development on the basis of the development of the state investment system, ensuring transparency of functioning of state support mechanisms is optimal. It has been established that the social factors influencing the course of structural policy are the steady increase in the number of poor people and the degradation of human potential, which complicates the course of structural transformations. The social factors influencing the flow of structural policy are the steady increase in the number of poor people and the degradation of human potential. The reason for this is the instability of socio-economic policy, the negative impact of the effects of the financial and economic crisis and the growing volume of external debt of the state. Institutional factors are due to the lack of adequate institutional support for the development of the economy as a whole and its individual branches, which requires improvement of the legislative framework for the progress of transformation processes. The technological factors of structural policy are determined by the beginning of a new stage of technological development of the world economic system. In this context, reorientation requires the direction of state support in research and implementation, which should help to improve the production efficiency of priority industries. It is suggested to use an effective mechanism, which is the state one, to regulate the support of competition on the basis of methodological approaches to optimizing the relations between different agricultural enterprises, creating the conditions for efficient scale and structure of export trade. The ways of realization of key directions of structural transformations of agriculture are determined.


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How to Cite
Potravka, L. (2020). WAYS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF KEY DIRECTIONS OF STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION OF AGRICULTURE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 45-51. Retrieved from http://tnv-econom.ksauniv.ks.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/47