Keywords: digital economy, remote work, remote team, personal workspace, asynchronous work, business communications, remote team management, organizational culture


The article examines the topical issues of organizing and optimizing the work of remote teams in modern digital business, the main features of which are speed, scale, globalization and innovation. In particular, the author emphasizes that the modern digital economy creates new business opportunities, but also poses new challenges and requirements for enterprises to be competitive and adapt to changes in the economic environment. Statistics show that in 2022, 65% of the world's GDP was digital. The global quantum technology market is expected to grow from $9.21 billion in 2021 to $300 billion in 2050. The article emphasizes the importance of developing and improving remote work as an effective form of interaction and ensuring business communications between employees within one organization. A special place in the article is occupied by the study of technological tools and strategies that allow increasing productivity and cooperation in remote teams. In addition, it is emphasized that by integrating these approaches, it is possible to create an optimized working environment for remote work that would facilitate clear interaction, innovation and growth of the organization. The article also discusses methods of improving communication, organizing joint projects, and approaches to motivating and effectively managing remote workers. The challenges faced by managers in the context of remote work are analyzed and methods of overcoming them are proposed. This primarily includes issues of data security, psychological comfort of employees, and maintaining a work-life balance. Despite significant achievements in the analysis and application of digital communications in modern management, there is an urgent need for a deep theoretical analysis and a modern understanding of the processes of practical use of innovative approaches to managing remote teams.


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How to Cite
Oliinyk, I. (2023). OPTIMIZING THE MANAGEMENT OF REMOTE TEAMS IN THE MODERN DIGITAL ECONOMY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 293-299. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-0366/2023.18.34