Keywords: innovation management, social networks, digital marketing, information technology, marketing activities, cybersecurity


The article is devoted to the study of the importance of social networks in the context of modern enterprise management. The analysis is based on the work of scientific sources that consider the impact of social networks on the efficiency of business process management and communication, empirical sources and the study of innovative experience of Ukrainian and global enterprises. In particular, the article describes the mechanisms of functioning of social networking tools that allow developing innovative management of a modern enterprise. Among the areas and aspects of enterprise management that are proposed to be modernized by activating and optimizing the use of social networks in management processes are the following: creation of an innovative culture, creative space, development of employees' creative potential, knowledge management and strategic planning of enterprise production processes, ways to increase the competitiveness of an organization and increase its profile. Attention is paid to the issues of improving the climate in the team, corporate communication and involvement of staff in creative processes, since the potential of social networks can be used to improve internal communication in the organization and use social networks as a platform for the exchange of ideas, which will help to build team spirit in the enterprise. The article also characterizes the marketing and advertising potential of social networks. The author provides a number of recommendations for enterprises on how to use social media tools to strengthen their presence in the virtual space, build communications with their target audience, and strengthen partnerships, how to form and influence public opinion about their enterprise, etc. Despite the advantages of using social media in business, management and development of enterprises, there are risks associated with the realities of the digital space, such as fraud and cybercrime. The article analyzes the risks and challenges that an enterprise may face in the process of active use of social networks in management and marketing activities, and also suggests ways to solve these problems.


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How to Cite
Bazaka, R., & YefremovА. (2023). SOCIAL NETWORKING TOOLS IN THE INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT OF MODERN ORGANIZATIONS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 268-273.