• Kateryna Nikitenko State Higher Educational Institution “Kherson state Agrarian University”
Keywords: tourism, development trends, analysis, factors, inbound tourism, outbound tourism, functions, prospects


The article examines the problem of achieving efficiency of tourist activities and developing international tourism. The main factors constraining the development of tourism in Ukraine. The main obstacles for the development of the tourism sector in Ukraine today are mainly the factors of political, managerial, economic, environmental, social and cultural character. Today for the development of this industry is necessary to improve state regulation in this sphere, rational use of tourist and recreational potential of regions, to enhance and improve marketing and advertising and information support at the regional, national and international levels. The work also determines the place of tourism in the Ukrainian economy and its functions, the analysis of General trends and peculiarities of formation of tourist flows, the activities proposed for the development of tourism in the industrial regions of Ukraine, proposed directions for tourism development in modern economic conditions. The advantageous geographical position of Ukraine and the presence of favorable factors allow to argue about the considerable prospects of development of tourism. However, having great potential does not develop the market of tourist services in full, though it is one of the leading countries in Europe in terms of availability of natural, historical and cultural resources. The analysis of tourism in Ukraine showed that the profitability of this sector primarily depends on increasing tourist flows and the policy of state support of domestic tourism and create attractive for investors investment climate. One of the most important factors influencing the development of both domestic and international tourism is the well-being of the population. There is a clear link between the trend of tourism development, general economic development and personal incomes. The tourism market is very sensitive to changes in the economy. With stable prices, a 2.5% increase in personal consumption increases tourism spending by 4% and a 5% increase in personal consumption by 10%. The annual increase in incomes of Ukrainian citizens will lead to more intensive tourist activity and, in particular, to an increase in the number of high-income consumers. In the future, the population of Ukraine will be characterized as having a high quality of life. Recreation, travel, art, culture will be the basic elements that will fill a person's free time.


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How to Cite
Nikitenko, K. (2020). EATURES TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 38-44. Retrieved from