Keywords: internal control system, risk of inefficiency of the internal control system, control environment, risk assessment, information system, control measures, monitoring


The article provides suggestions for identifying risk signs of inefficiency of the internal control system. The identification of relevant risks is due to the need of management personnel, beneficiaries and subjects of internal and external audit in assessing the ability of the enterprise to adequately respond to potential and real threats to economic activity. The purpose of the article is to formalize signs of the presence of risk, the level of which is determined by the ability of the internal control system to warn, detect and eliminate deviations in the enterprise's activities and reflect its content and results in the enterprise's financial activities. reporting During the research, in particular, the methods of bibliographic analysis, legal justification, comparison, analysis and synthesis, etc. were used. The proposed approaches take into account the parameters of the structural elements of the system, the presence and proper functioning of which will contribute to the timely detection, neutralization and elimination of factors under the influence of which negative phenomena may occur in the enterprise. Implementation of measures aimed at identification and evaluation of relevant parameters provide an opportunity for interested persons to gain an understanding of the procedures for implementing internal control measures. The above can become a methodical basis for confidence that deviations in the company's activities and in information about its content and results. The results of the study became the basis for determining the organizational signs of the risk of inefficiency of the internal control system, which include the circumstances of the construction and implementation of the functions of the control environment, risk assessment and information systems. It is proposed to include the aspects of planning and carrying out control measures and their monitoring in the group of methodological features. According to the results of the study, the proposals will contribute to increasing the level of validity of internal control system assessments, as well as risks assessed during the performance of internal and independent audit tasks.


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How to Cite
Sherstiuk, O., & Voloshyna, O. (2023). IDENTIFICATION SIGNS OF THE RISK OF INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEM INEFFICIENCY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 245-255.