• Halyna Rіabenko PZVO "International Сlassical University named after Pylyp Orlyk"
  • Oleksandr Verlanov PZVO "International Сlassical University named after Pylyp Orlyk"
  • Svitlana Klymenko PZVO "International Сlassical University named after Pylyp Orlyk"
Keywords: bankruptcy, crisis situation, anti-crisis financial management, bankruptcy prevention, assessment of financial situation


The article discusses the important topic of anti-crisis financial management as an effective tool for preventing bankruptcy and overcoming crisis situations at enterprises under unstable economic conditions. Financial anti-crisis management is a set of measures aimed at preventing and overcoming financial crises in the activities of business entities. The main goal of financial anti-crisis management is to ensure the stability of the company's financial condition and prevent its bankruptcy. Enterprises must conduct effective risk management and take measures to prevent possible crisis situations. This will help ensure stability and long-term success in a challenging business environment. Therefore, the problem of forming anti-crisis financial management is urgent. Methodical approaches to diagnosing the probability of bankruptcy of enterprises are presented, which help enterprises to respond in a timely manner to signs of a crisis state. The authors indicated limitations regarding the use of foreign bankruptcy forecasting models at Ukrainian enterprises, which is due to the peculiarities of the Ukrainian market and economic environment. In order to forecast crisis phenomena in the functioning of enterprises, we assessed the financial condition of the investigated enterprises of the Voznesensk district using domestic models that allow the management of the enterprise to obtain objective information about its financial condition, to detect signs of a crisis state in time and to develop anti-crisis financial management strategies to prevent a possible bankruptcy It is the provision of anti-crisis activities on a permanent basis that makes it possible to purposefully form an effective system of enterprise management in crisis situations. The conducted studies show that in order to forecast crisis phenomena in the functioning of enterprises, it is necessary to assess the financial condition of enterprises, using models for predicting possible bankruptcy, both for successfully functioning enterprises and for those that are in a difficult financial state. Anti-crisis activity, which includes diagnosis and assessment of crisis symptoms of the enterprise's functioning, should be carried out even before the manifestation of clear crisis signs, in order to ensure the stable operation of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
RіabenkoH., Verlanov, O., & Klymenko, S. (2023). PREDICTION OF ENTERPRISE BANKRUPTCY AS A COMPONENT OF ANTI-CRISIS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 238-244.