Keywords: labor market, global models of the labor market, managerial support for the development of the labor market, models of regulatory influence on the labor market, managerial levers of regulatory influence


The article examines the peculiarities of management support for the development of the labor market. The author's definition of the model of regulatory influence on the labor market is given. The world models of the labor market are considered, namely their shortcomings, advantages and basic management principles in regulating employment problems. In the formation of the national model of the labor market, the management levers of regulatory influence are important, which is a set of management tools used by the power and management bodies or state bodies to control and regulate employment processes or the behavior of labor market subjects. These levers can include various measures such as fiscal policy, tax changes, subsidies, regulation, standards, permitting procedures, etc. The development and implementation of management levers of regulatory influence is an important task in the management of the labor market in the level system of socio-economic relations. It is noted that the management levers of regulatory influence are aimed at achieving certain goals in the formation and development of the labor market, among which are defined: balancing the labor market; ensuring the integration of joint efforts in the paradigm of «consumer of educational services-university-employer» relations, introduction of innovative and information technologies, development of the labor market based on the principles of inclusiveness and partnership; ensuring social justice, reducing social disparities and manifestations of information asymmetry in society; stimulating the growth of basic economic indicators of the national economy; elimination of anti-competitive practices in the labor market. Destabilizing factors that negatively affect the perfection of the all-Ukrainian labor market model are analyzed, among which the following are highlighted: imperfection of the legislative framework; information asymmetry; instability and procrastination of legislative changes; the latest risks in the labor market associated with the development of the digital economy; lack of a harmonized connection between administrative and market methods of employment regulation; labor market imbalance; the presence of significant levels of unregulated employment; emigration of highly qualified labor force; lack of targeted interaction between educational institutions and businesses regarding issues of ensuring students' employability.


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How to Cite
Kutsai, S. (2023). MANAGEMENT SUPPORT FOR LABOR MARKET DEVELOPMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 196-201.